Saturday, November 23, 2013


Ever since I first got pregnant, I wondered
what Ilea would look like.
Would she have brown eyes like me,
or blue like Casey?
Would she have my straight brown hair,
or his curly sandy blonde?
Well, now that she is just 2 days shy of 6 months
I can say definitively that
we still have no idea.

Her hair looks straight sometimes
and curly other times.
 Sometimes it looks light brown or blonde
 and sometimes it looks reddish.
 And her eyes are brownish, blueish, grayish.
 Maybe this is the price we have to pay 
for giving her two middle names?
Or maybe she just doesn't like being rushed.
The one thing I can say, though,
is Ilea is the most relaxed, happy baby in the history of the Universe.
Every morning, she hops on the rollercoaster that is our day-to-day
life and just goes with the flow,
whether it be racing around an ice rink in her stroller
(post to follow), bouncing around in the carrier on my back
while I play soccer with Orin,
getting bathed in the sink because someone is
using the bathroom in the morning,
or dancing with her daddy at a wedding until 10pm.
You literally can't make this baby unhappy
as long as she is clean and fed.

So with brownish, blueish, greyish eyes,
one thing is for certain: this kid rocks.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Amarkable Packages of Life

Today Orin came home from school
singing a song he had learned in
horticulture class.
It was too cute not to share.

Noisy Children

Some of you may remember a blog post I wrote years ago,
I think it was titled "The Cougar"
It included a video of Orin as a baby
screaming at the top of his lungs (his "cougar noise")

Well, the other day we were making dinner 
while this was going on in the background.

Point of the story: I guess I just have noisy children.
Happy, noisy children.

Learning to Laugh

I was just going through the video files and I realized that
I hadn't posted a couple really cute ones of Ilea.
This is Ilie learning to laugh.
Hey, it's not easy to figure it out, you know.

Here is another one taken a couple days later.
Almost a laughing master.

With her two favorite boys around, 
there are a lot of opportunities to practice.

Bee Dance

Another impromptu dance session with Ilea

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sitting Up (is for babies)

The other day I put Ilea in her bouncer
only to turn around a second later to see this:
Those of you familiar with this bouncer
know that this is not the intended position.
Instead, it is a protest, a very small act of defiance...
Ilea's way of communicating that she is entirely 
fed up with lying on her back.
This upright position is much more interesting
offering a new perspective on what would otherwise be
a boring old room.
This baby is up.
Well, at least some of the time.

Friday, November 1, 2013

The 10 Steps of Halloween

Step One: Decide what to be

Orin: viking, Ilea: knight
Nope, other way around, 
Orin: knight, Ilea: viking.
Nope, no helmets fit Ilea.
Ilea: bee, Orin: viking.
 Thanks cousin Ardian,
because let's face it,
I barely pulled off making Orin's viking costume in time.
Step two: acquire pumpkins
 Step three: add more decorations
(Thanks, Gabe)
 Step four: Carve pumpkins
 Step five: collect seeds for eating
Collect stem for eating.
 No, bad baby!
 Step six: Collect remaining seeds for chickens
 Step seven: Make the chickens day
 "Hey! while you are feeling like sharing...."
 Step eight: March in a parade:

 There's our viking!

 Step nine: Light the pumpkins
Step ten: take pictures of the trick or treaters,

(or forget to put the data card in the camera and 
think you are taking pictures all night, 
but end up with nothing)

Sorry about that.