Out of all the states on our way home,
I was most excited about Idaho.
Ever since my first road trip, I have had a fascination with Idaho.
In particular, I remembered that there was a city there
I really liked with something about "Falls" in the name.
So when I saw that we were going to pass through Twin Falls,
I told Casey we should try to block out a little time to spend there.
To make a long story short, Twin Falls was not the place I had been.
In fact, it was not very exciting at all.
We were beginning to feel rather disappointed when
we saw a sign for Shoshone Falls
and decided to give the town one more chance.
The drive down to the falls was beautiful and only heightened our
sense of anticipation.
Shoshone Falls was, after all, the Niagara of the West.
Except when we got there we realized pretty quickly that the
Niagara of the West was dammed.
I suppose that none of the locals here realize that Niagara Falls
is actually a waterfall.
Oh well.
There was, after all, a pretty trickle.
That counts for something.
And the views were well worth the trip regardless.
But I am not quite sure Twin Falls lived up to its expectations.
Next summer, we are hoping to go on another road trip,
this time hitting five or six national parks in
California, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming.
On that trip, we will go through Idaho Falls.
That will be my last shot at redemption.
But for now, we are all going to enjoy the last night of Motel 6
before making the eight hour drive to Portland tomorrow.

See you in Oregon.