Yesterday as I begrudgingly mopped up the contents of the
dog water dish for the second day in a row
(Orin has started to make it a habit to dump it
all over the floor (and himself) every time I turn around)
I decided that something needed to change.
Orin is becoming increasingly more mobile
and as I looked around our room I saw numerous future messes,
like the cat litter box, which I heard actually has a sign on it
that only babies can read that says
"dump me all over the floor and then eat my contents"
Orin was going to need his own space.

After dragging a couple of large pieces of furniture around
to section off part of the room,
I cleared every imaginable baby hazard out of the area,
(I am sure I missed a few, but Orin will be quick to show me
my mistakes in the morning)
and gathered up all of Orin's things
and arranged them in his new "room."

Now that Orin will have a separate place to play
not only do I not have to clean up a half gallon of water again,
but I also won't have to trip over his various
trucks, books, balls, and stuffed animals.
It was a good day.
In other updates:
Orin has learned how to take steps forward when you hold his hands,
he can also pull himself up to a standing position,
but he only does that in my lap.
He also has developed a love for art,
here he is at the Portland Art Museum
getting ready to (very enthusiastically) eat his ticket.

Well, I think that is all for today.
I leave you with this random picture which I love but have never
managed to work into a blog post.
