A few days ago Casey heard on the news that this week
was the gray whale spring migration.
Thousands of people would be rushing to the coast
wielding their binoculars and and wide-brimmed hats,
frantic to join the whale-watching extravaganza.
We couldn't help ourselves, we had to get in on the action,
so on Monday, we packed up our rain gear and headed to the coast.
When we arrived it was pouring,
so we decided to get a bite to eat first,
in hopes that the rain would subside by the end of our meal.
We chose a fun little diner in the center of town.

Orin was a little nervous at first that Sue would come charging
out of the back room and take his cookie away,
but we reassured him that, if necessary,
we would help him ward her off.
As it turns out, it was not necessary,
"Cranky Sue" turned out to be a nice old woman, whose only offense
was trying to set Ori up with the girl baby at the next table over.

After lunch, despite the fact that it was still pouring,
we ventured out onto the beach.

The other whale watchers were less adventurous,
and mostly stayed in their cars,
so we had the beach to ourselves.

The dogs were in heaven.
Orin wasn't quite as excited,
but was (as always) extremely tolerant of his parent's crazy ideas.
If it hadn't been for the wind,
it actually wouldn't have been too bad out,
but when the big gusts came, we had to put some effort
into not being blown away.

Despite our attempts, we did not see any whales,
we did however, see a lot of kelp...

...and barnacles...

And eggie got to go swimming (his favorite)
so, all things considered, it turned out to be a good trip.

On the way home, we stopped by the Pittock Masion,
built by the man who owed the "Oregonian,"
(this was back when newspapers used to make money).
Orin thought it was nice, but not quite big enough
for a second home.

He is more of a castle kid, I think.
I will leave you with a picture that in no way fits into this post,
but that I love.
Because everyone needs a fan club.