Sunday, February 24, 2013


Last summer I got an awesome job working 
full time for an environmental nonprofit.
However, at the time I applied for the job,
I hadn't thought about the fact that Orin's school year
ends in the beginning of June.
After some deliberations, we decided to hire a live-in nanny.
We put out an ad and got back a flood of responses
(apparently it isn't hard to find young people who
want to live on the Cape for the summer).
All of our applicants seemed of about equal potential
until I read one from a girl named Urvi.

Urvi was working on her masters in speech pathology
from Boston University and was looking 
for a break from the grind for the summer.

A couple weeks later, Orin and I found ourselves nervously 
waiting for the Greyhound bus that she was taking to arrive.
I think it took both of us about 2 minutes to fall in love with her.
 The only bad thing about Urvi was that she turned out to be
likely the best nanny in the history of the known universe,
meaning that any nanny we hire now
won't have a prayer of measuring up.
Urvi is the kind of person who is always glowing,
filling the room with such positive energy
that you can't help but smile.
Every day she came up with creative and fun projects to do with Orin
and once a week she would cook the most amazing 
Indian food I have ever had in my life.
When it was time to say goodbye, I couldn't stop crying,
and even now, months later, I still have Urvi-withdrawl.
I have told her that if she ever feels like a master's in 
speech pathology is overrated,
that she could come move in with us forever.
So far, it hasn't worked, but she has promised to come back 
and visit this summer.
We sure do miss her...
none of us more than the naked boy over her shoulder
(I love this picture).

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Household Size

As it turns out, during the period of Blog Neglect,
our expanding family did not just reside in my belly;
there have been a few other notable additions
that I should probably tell you about
so that you do not find yourself wondering, for example,
if Atlas spontaneously duplicated in the middle of the night.
So, sticking with that theme:
over the summer, we got a new Chesapeake. 
Her name is Avery.
At the beginning, she was very small:
She was so small, in fact, that she did not feel that she should have
to walk all the way to the cranberry bog by herself.
With each passing day, she grew a little more 
and solidified her place in the family
until eventually her cute puppy days were all behind us.
We also expanded our chicken population...
twice, in fact.
The first batch we hand-raised.
Here they are in their little and fluffy stage:
And here is one of the girls full grown:
It was only a few months before our 
egg cartons became more colorful:
The next batch of chickens we did not hand-raise,
instead we traded in our ducks,
who after leaving their little and fluffy stage:
 were loud and stinky and not appreciated by our neighbors.
So we traded 5 ducks for 5 one-year-old chickens
(thank you, Craigslist!)
and now have a happy, multicolored flock of 12
beautiful, quiet, non-stinky birds.

Speaking of our neighbors,
they also did not appreciate when we brought home
two of the most adorable
but also the loudest creatures on earth:
 Our stint with the goats lasted about 2 weeks
before we were forced to give them up.
They are still one of Orin's favorite subjects to talk
about with people he meets.
 The story goes something like this:
"I had goats but they were too loud for the neighbors
but mommy says that when we don't live as close to neighbors
we can get goats again."

I think it is safe to say we are all excited about that day.
And finally, in other family additions,
here is Orin's new cat Bear:
and his rat Captain/Templeton/Pinkerton:
I think that basically covers it.
So besides the new baby, new dog,
10 new chickens, rat, and cat,
nothing has changed...
oh, wait, and we got a new car:
We were thinking that after having the thoroughly stickered Subaru
and the van, we needed a car that really blended in...
something like a road cone orange mini Prius. 

So, there you have it. Now you know the cast
and we can get back to more of the story.

Monday, February 18, 2013


I am not even going to attempt to explain why 
I haven't bothered to blog anything for the last 6 months or so.
Let's just get right down to the most important 
update that you might have missed:
 Today marks the first day of my third trimester.
Baby Number 2 is on the way.
Due Date- May 19th 
(and if that sounds familiar it is because that is the exact 
due date I was given when I was pregnant with Orin...
planned that way? Of course not.)

So there you go.
A lot more has happened too, 
but we will get to that later.
And, yes, I will be blogging more often
because after you blog your first child's every development
it only seems fair to embarrass the second one just as much.

Hope you are all doing great.