Sorry I have been neglecting the blog for so long. I guess I should go back to the last entry for a full update.
Last weekend, we went to Cape Cod to hang out with Colleen, Cody, and their super cute son Rowan. I had brought my camera with high hopes of taking tons of pictures of the new baby, but after only one shot, it ran out of batteries and shut down (I forgot to charge it the night before). I was crushed. Now you will have to wait until our next visit to see up-close bubbly baby pictures.
Casey finally got to go fishing (he and Cody went while Colleen and I talked about baby stuff). He caught his first east coast large mouth bass. He wanted me to tell you all about this in the color orange.
On Monday, baby stuff began to arrive. The first thing that came was our "Bum Genius" cloth diapers. For those of you that don't know, cloth diapers have really changed over the years. The kind that we got is called a "pocket diaper". It has a waterproof shell, soft fleece lining, and a pocket on the inside where you stuff a liner. There a various sizes of liners, depending on the needs of your baby (overnight versus daytime etc.) In addition to the inside liner, you can use a flushable liner on top of the fleece to catch poop. We ordered some of those as well. In the box with the cloth diapers, we also got two BPA-free, all natural pacifiers.
On Tuesday, we began our search for the perfect car seat. We had originally intended on buying a convertible car seat that would last 5 years, but there were quite a few people that told us this was not a good idea: we apparently need an infant car seat for the beginning stages of life. Because we are pretty pinched for money, buying a new infant seat that would probably last 6 months and then a convertible, did not sound too appealing. But luckily for us, there is Craigslist: the best invention since stackable tupperware.
After an enormous amount of research and a flood of emails, we found a lady with a really great quality infant car seat. We made an appointment to pick it up on Wednesday morning. However, on Wednesday morning before we left for the pick-up, another man called... he had the same car seat, so I told him we would stop by to check his out after our first appointment.
We got to the first house and fell in love with the car seat. The lady was super nice and right away asked us if we needed anything else. She didn't want money for any of it... she just wanted it to find a good home. She brought out a swing and a bouncer, then disappeared again and came back with a infant bath tub and an entire box of toys. It was all really nice stuff and we just couldn't resist... we took everything, justifying our actions by deciding that we could give it all away before we left MA or leave it with my mother who believes strongly that she needs "grandmother toys."
After such good Craigslist fortune, we decided to go to the other house anyway to see about their car seat. Infant car seats come with bases that you clip the seat into and it is nice to have more than one base, so you can leave them in different cars. Just the bases for these car seats cost $75, so we decided maybe we should get the other seat so that we would be able to exchange bases. So off for another adventure, to meet more really awesome people and buy another really great car seat. It was a good day.
Later that night, Casey and I headed off to our "36 week meeting" at the Birth Center. There were about 12 other couples there and we were all briefed about pre-labor, labor, and post-labor. 3 months ago, I would have been scared about some of the things they told us, but at this point I am so excited to have a baby that I don't even care about anything else. Our entire apartment is filled to the brim with baby stuff... it is really becoming so real now.