Casey and I got to practice all different types of breathing for the different labor stages and both took a turn on the birthing ball (they are wonderfully comfortable... I might get one for our living room, just for fun). Casey even got to play the role of the neonatal nurse in a skit the instructor had the coaches do to teach us about cesarian sections.
During the lunch break, we headed down to the emergency room to see my stepfather. He was very happy that we had come to visit and gave us a full tour of the ER unit, introducing us to all of the nurses along the way. It was fun to see him in his element... he is a great doctor.
During the second half of the class we watched a movie with three different births. One of the couples in our class was so squeamish about labor that they left so they wouldn't have to see the movie! I hope that they do okay... they are due before us!
The only trouble I had with the movie was that every time the nurses placed the baby on the mothers chest after birth I got teary-eyed. I don't think anyone noticed because the lights were dim but wow am I an uncontrollable sap! Casey, who has watched hundreds of episodes of "A Baby Story" since day one, was less affected. I am confident that he is going to make a great coach.
Well, that is all we have to report. I can't decide if life is moving really slow or fast right now. We have three more days until we enter the window of "term." Pretty much, the baby can come whenever he wants after that. I think that we are going to have a party on Wednesday to celebrate the milestone.
We will check in again soon. Hope you are all doing really well!
Love and hugs.
Sounds like you guys are learning a lot! Maybe you'll decide to have another baby just because you're such pros at it? :-) The weather here is beautiful here today. I hope it's nice there too. Lindsay, I've taken your advice and begun scouring the internet and craigslist for cars to drive. I've had a few leads but no completed success as of yet. I'll keep you updated. Any word from your schools yet? You guys are going to be great parents!!!
Love and prayers for all good things.
You guys are such cool parents!
Oh my we are really getting close!!! "We" I mean you guys! Silly me, I am so excited and happy for the both of you. You guys will do great and way to go Lindsay on the no drug thing. I thik I will try no drugs when it's my turn but I do want them close by just in case I can't take it any more. Casey you better know how to update this blog once the baby comes becuase I am sure Lindsay will be a little busy! Well love you both tons!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
I am so excited, wonderful happy times for you, baby, job, traveling, life! Wonderful pics, miss you! Love Aunt Tree
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