Monday, May 12, 2008

Sunny Sundays

Yesterday Casey and I went to Cape Cod to visit our friends Colleen and Cody and their beautiful baby Rowan. 
It was an absolutely gorgeous day and Colleen and I spent the better part of the afternoon just basking in the sun with the baby.
The boys, however, had other plans: they left us almost immediately for a day of fishing and alcohol consumption (I hear that these two things go hand-in-hand).
When they returned, they reported catching quite a few fish but had decided to throw them all back. They also appeared to have been successful at the drinking aspect of the day as well. 
All in all, it was a great day and we were very sad when we had to leave. As we were saying our goodbyes Rowan stretched out his tiny little hand and patted my tummy. Next time we see him he will get to meet his cousin outside the womb. 

It couldn't happen soon enough.


Anonymous said...

It was so nice to hear from you guys on Sunday, it made my day. Now I had a small hear attack because I saw a baby on the front page and though it might be you guys but then after about 10 seconds I relized it was not....=( Either way I am so excited only what 8 days until your due date? The little on is just taking its time dame it! Well I am so excited and Casey you have to call once you guys deliever so I can tell mom and Joe and sis. Joe and Mom both asked about you this weekend and how things are going for you guys so I caugt them up. They are both so excited for you guys. I also got to see Noah over the weekend and that's the first time since christmas, Lindsay that's my nephew. I tried to copy and paste his pix into this comment section but it will not let me! dang it he's so cute. Anyways I can't wait for the baby and tell me an address so I can mail you some UofO baby stuff....Casey had a special request which I will fulfill. Love you guys lots and miss you both so much, if I was rich I would buy a plane ticket for a weekend and fly over....Miss you two! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Anonymous said...

Hi there-
Yeah, my heart jumped too when I opened the blog and the first picture had a baby on it. Then I realized the baby was way too big to be a newborn and then I realized it wasn't you guys. Not to stress you out but this whole thing is really making me anxious. Jeesh. Lindsay congratulations on marrying superman. I noticed that he can lift a boat onto the top of a car all by himself!!! At least, that's what it looks like in the picture. Things here are good. Tim and I are working on finalizing plans for our cross country trip. Yay!!! I'ts going to be great to see you guys and meet Orin. Do you have a middle name for him? Well, that's all for now. I'm going to go watch goonies. FYI I check this twice a day to see if it's time yet. I just can feel it coming soon.
:-) :-)

Much Love,