Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Developments: Week 3

After reading the extensive records that Sheree kept of Casey's baby years,
I have decided that I should be taking notes of Orin's milestones
that way Ori can look back when he is older and brag about certain things, 
like how his legs could support his body weight the day he was born 
(he just needed someone to help him balance),
or that he attended his first RedSox game while still in the womb.

So for week three, here are the latest developments:
This week, Ori's pupils began to dilate and he can now track voices and faces really well.

He is utterly enthralled by Casey.

He also can push himself forward if his feet are braced
and he can roll over 2/3 of the way.
(He does all of these moves while on the changing table,
in violent protest of the cold diaper wipes.)

 This was also the week that Ori voiced his opinion on the Iraq war for the first time

...and learned to dance.

He already has better time than his mommy.
I will try to continue to keep you updated.



Anonymous said...

You mean the extensive records of Casey NANA Sheree kept. Orin's other grandma! Miss you. Love you Case can't wait to see you- Thank you for the necklace and Key chain, I really like them.
Love Aunt Katie

Anonymous said...

Love you guys and can't wait to hold Orin!!! Lindsay have you started a baby book? You are keepin good records, this blog will be really fun to read to Orin when he's older. Love you guys! XOXOXOXOXO

Anonymous said...

I know most of you can't tell by the blog because Lindsay and I were busy taking pictures of Orin, but I did spend a week with Casey, Lindsay, and Orin. Casey worked the first 3 days I was there in Andover so Lindsay and I spent most of our days talking and getting to know each other better while I of course was Holding Orin. We did take a day to walk over to the library were Lindsay's mom works, what a nice town to visit. The next 3 days we spent in Williamstown with Lindsay's father, as you can tell by the van as Lindsay said it was full of baby stuff while we traveld there. The country there was also a very nice place to visit and was happy too as you know to hold my grandson alot and just be there to spend time with the kids and see what wonderful parents they are. Hopefully Orin will change his days and nights soon so Casey and Lindsay can get a little more sleep but other than that he is perfect. Love you all that continue to send comments as it will be a wonderful thing for Orin to read and get to know all of you by reading this blog. Nana Sheree'

Anonymous said...
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