Monday, September 15, 2008

A Funny Story

I am going to tell you the following story
without worrying that you will think I am a neglectful mother,
because frankly it is too funny to keep it a secret.

The other night I woke up to Orin making his soft little
and-am-starting-to-get-frustrated cry.

Orin splits his time at night between his crib and our bed,
so when I heard him I rolled over to check if he was next to me.
When I didn't see him, I figured he was in his crib
and swung my legs over the side of the bed to go get him.

It was then that I noticed Purple, 
standing in the middle of the room staring at me awkwardly
with a look that said 
"what in the world is going on?"

At that point I looked down and saw Orin at my feet,
 snuggled up in Purple's bed.
Apparently he had been in bed with us, rolled off,
landed in Purple's bed,
and found it a suitable alternative...
until, of course, hunger kicked in.

After determining that Orin was okay,
I had a good laugh.

So I guess the two lessons to be learned 
are 1. my ridiculously thick dog beds 
have more uses than one would expect, and 
2. Orin is rolling.

The days of leaving him on elevated surfaces are over.
Parenting just got that much more difficult.


Anonymous said...

It so funny how sometimes we learn their new trick, I remember when Casey first rolled, I layed him on the couch (we lived in an apartment) to open the door and retrieve the mail from the box beside the door and turned around to see him lying on the floor next to the couch giggling. No more couch after that and only in the middle if sleeping in mom and dads bed. Casey was a curious baby and loved the things I see Orin intrigued with. Love to all Mom/Nana!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! that is so funny! No need to worry one time when I slept with my mom I hit her in the face when I rolled over and she shoved me off the bed...I hit my head and had a goose was funny! Love you, you are a wonderful monther.

Anonymous said...

fingers going to fast....mother...that's what I meant.