Friday, November 7, 2008


For the last couple weeks I have been ruthlessly neglecting 
my camera: not bringing it with me,
letting the battery run out and not recharging it,
and spending long stretches of time not 
knowing where it is.
We have reconciled, however,
and things should be back to normal soon
(for better or for worse)
That said, this blog has no purpose except to empty
the memory chip of its few measly pictures:

This is Orin and Brady, looking fascinated.
I don't remember what it was that fascinated them,
but it probably wouldn't have interested you anyway.
One thing I have learned from being a mom
is that the washing instruction tag
on the toy you just bought is way cooler
than the toy itself.
We have been doing a pretty large-scale redecoration/
clean-up of the whole house.
It has made us feel organized,
and, at times, manly.
While not working on the house or being fascinated with tags,
we have done some sight-seeing
gone for a couple hikes
and posed as a large hotdog.
As for baby updates,
I think that in my food post I forgot to mention,
Orin has started using a sippy cup.
It is surprising after his early-childhood bottle trauma
(I am referring here to the time that Orin rejected
the bottle after 8-10 seconds and we never tried it again)
that he would ever trust a plastic bottle-like object again
But he took to it quite well.
(although it is not clear whether he actually drinks from it)
He can even hold it by himself.

We also gave Orin his second and third foods:
avocado and banana, in that order.
The avocado got pretty bad reviews,
but the banana went over well.
Speaking of culinary delacacies:
The dogs had their birthday the other day
...well Egg and Purple did,
we just felt bad for Atlas and included him too...
I made them a dog-food "cake"
and we gave them each a toy they had forgotten they had
(hey, the economic crisis has been hard for us too)
If they knew they had been scammed,
they didn't show it.
So, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after
I will come up with something more interesting to write about.
Or, if I can't think of anything,
I will just post a bunch of cute pictures of Orin
and it will all be okay.

Like this one of him mid-bounce
celebrating Obama's victory

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man I have some cathing up today....suffering from a case of the Mondays so it's only perfect that I go to your blog. Thank god! Love you guys and yes go Obama!