Monday, February 23, 2009

9 Months

Ever since Orin learned how to crawl on all fours,
he has been unstoppable.
He now easily cruises over to objects, pulls himself up,
and holds on bobbing, weaving and babbling until he 
a) loses interest and moves on, or
b) falls down

To help Orin enjoy his new skill set to the fullest,
Casey and I decided to get him a platform activity toy for his birthday.
The toy features a large array of brightly colored objects
all of which can be pressed with the result of some random 
song or factoid being sung by an overly enthusiastic woman.
As I write this she is singing "Green Circle! Green Circle!"
Orin adores it.
We also decided to get him a pair of leather slipper shoes
to help eliminate falls caused from his socks slipping
on the hardwood floors.
There were a large variety of patterns for the slipper shoes.
Casey made the final decision.
But today was not only made special because of Orin's birthday.
It is also the day that Uncle Alex sets out on the second,
and longest, segment of his Special Forces combat training. 
He will be out of contact for 5-7 weeks in some undisclosed part
of some undisclosed state doing some secret SF training operation.
This segment boasts a 70% attrition rate.
It is the last segment where soldiers can fail out of SF,
so today and tomorrow and all the days of the next month or so
try to remember to say some kind of 
manly sounding prayer for my brother.
He has certainly come a long way since 
his boot camp graduation 2 years ago...
And now, I am going to shamelessly post a large number of pictures 
of Orin without any descriptive tidbits
except to say that they were taken a few days ago when
the temperature reached 60 degrees and 
Orin and I decided to take in a little sun...


1 comment:

Tim and Jenn said...

Hey girl-
Orin is getting cutie pie!!! I love the outdoor pics you added on the end. That is so cute that your sis made Orin's hat out of the leftovers. How symbolic! I'm in CT now helping with Erica's wedding. I miss Tim. He's in Canada still. I miss you too. I listened to the CD you made me on the way down twice. Great CD. Miss you, love you. Give Orin and Casey a hug for me.