The other day marked the beginning of the end of our kitchen.
My friend with a similar-aged baby told me recently that
all of her kitchen chairs live permanently out on her patio.
This is why.
And if you think he stops there,
you are wrong.
Luckily, he can only get the proper footing for his acrobatics
if the chair is pushed out, so for now, we still have chairs in our kitchen,
but I am sure, like everything else,
it is only a matter of time...
In order to quench Orin's thirst for a throne,
and reduce the risk of a concussion-induced emergency room visit,
Casey decided that we should get Orin his own, much smaller, chair.
Here it is:
Have you ever seen a baby look more content?
Ori loves his chair.
Sitting in it makes him so happy,
he has been known to burst into song.
The chair is perfect for reading...
exploring from a new vantage point...
and, of course, climbing.
As a bonus, the chair is light enough that Orin can move it himself,
in case he gets bored in the bedroom.
To further assist in his climbing, we got Orin a stool.
And no, the stool was not totally necessary but it is important for the
recliner sofa-footstool combo look that Orin has going on in his
Special Corner
not to mention it helps with the whole mounting/dismounting process.
Here is a close up of the stool,
notice the bonus baby thigh footage as well.
and more baby thigh:
Here is one last glimpse of the stool,
right before Orin throws it at me,
thus ending the photo session and the long sequence
of pictures that you have just been subjected to
that contain nothing more than a baby, a chair, and a stool.
Well, almost.
Just one more.
Now I am really done.
You're welcome.
My friend with a similar-aged baby told me recently that
all of her kitchen chairs live permanently out on her patio.
This is why.
Luckily, he can only get the proper footing for his acrobatics
if the chair is pushed out, so for now, we still have chairs in our kitchen,
but I am sure, like everything else,
it is only a matter of time...
and reduce the risk of a concussion-induced emergency room visit,
Casey decided that we should get Orin his own, much smaller, chair.
Here it is:
he has been known to burst into song.
in case he gets bored in the bedroom.
And no, the stool was not totally necessary but it is important for the
recliner sofa-footstool combo look that Orin has going on in his
Special Corner
notice the bonus baby thigh footage as well.
right before Orin throws it at me,
thus ending the photo session and the long sequence
of pictures that you have just been subjected to
that contain nothing more than a baby, a chair, and a stool.
Just one more.
You're welcome.
1 comment:
But so frickin' cute!
I love the one with the glasses. He looks just like Baba!
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