Last weekend, we bought a canoe.
It is 16 feet long and dark green.
It looks nice atop my car.
We took it out for the first time a couple days ago
and were pleased to discover that apart from looking pretty
it also floats.
Orin decided to join us on our debut voyage.
At first, he was not sure how to feel about being out on the open water.
He gave it a brief chance
and then rejected it.
The second canoe trip, he chose to stay with his grandmother,
leaving Casey and I to have some alone time...
well, almost alone...
Even with the added weight of the Bad Dog,
we managed to have a good time.
Casey spent most of the afternoon fishing
while I alternated between fishing, untangling my lure
(which I must have gotten snagged 34 times), and bird watching.
Although we saw a lot of fish, they were,
for the most part, not hungry.
Except this little guy, the Smallest Fish in the Universe.
Normally, I feel bad for the fish we catch, but this time I didn't.
Because had this fish actually eaten anything as big as
the lure we were using (at least 3/4 of his own size),
he surely would have been less happy
than he was on the end of Casey's hook.
There was simply not room in his stomach for such a meal.
It was good that we steered him in the right direction.
Orin has since promised that he will give boating another try in the future.
But for now, he is happy just hanging out on land.

It looks nice atop my car.
and were pleased to discover that apart from looking pretty
it also floats.
Orin decided to join us on our debut voyage.
At first, he was not sure how to feel about being out on the open water.
and then rejected it.
leaving Casey and I to have some alone time...
well, almost alone...
we managed to have a good time.
Casey spent most of the afternoon fishing
(which I must have gotten snagged 34 times), and bird watching.
for the most part, not hungry.
Normally, I feel bad for the fish we catch, but this time I didn't.
Because had this fish actually eaten anything as big as
the lure we were using (at least 3/4 of his own size),
he surely would have been less happy
than he was on the end of Casey's hook.
There was simply not room in his stomach for such a meal.
Orin has since promised that he will give boating another try in the future.
1 comment:
Fun times! Canoe's are great! I'd love to get a kayak. You guys rock!
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