Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Orin Updates

Sometimes I forget that the purpose of this blog is really
to serve as a scrapbook for Orin,
and therefore should be full of little bits of information
about all his various developments,
not just those that deserve a full post.
With that said here is an update on the main man:
Orin is currently 15 months old.
He has 12 teeth.
I am guessing he still weighs 20 pounds.

He does not have much interest in real food
although he can be persuaded to snack from time to time.

His favorite toys are his ride-on cars,
his puzzles, his kitties, and his ball.
His spoken vocabulary consists of:
juice, pop(sicle), bird, pig, uh oh, dada, mama (finally!),
doggie, puppy, more, babu (his stuffed bear), pee pee,
butt (I didn't teach him that), hi, bye-bye, ball, keys, baby, kitty,
bats, bike, out, (ba)nana, fish, book, and happy

He is capable of signing:
bird, fish, milk, cookie, juice, book, Tails,
popsicle, doggie, kitty, turtle, and all done

His favorite thing to do is empty his bookshelves.

Some of his recent skill-set additions are:
Learning how to take his diaper off on the run (not fun for me)
Walking down stairs facing forward (also not fun for me)
and jumping (still being perfected)

He is also beginning to play around with the concept of throwing
temper tantrums to get what he wants
in the check out line of the grocery store.He is keeping us on our toes to say the least.

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