Warning: This is not a joke.
Something terrible happened yesterday: I accidentally dried Trouble.
Here is the story, because I am sure that you are demanding
an explanation for this one.
Last night, I was drying our sheets in a load with Orin's fleece blanket.
The sheets were taking a long time, but the blanket was already dry,
so when I went upstairs to put Orin to bed,
I grabbed the blanket and left the sheets,
but I forgot to turn the drier back on.
Unbeknownst to me, while I was putting Orin to bed,
Trouble decided that the drier would be a nice place to take a nap,
after all, who can't resist curling up in damp sheets?
Anyway, when I had finished putting Orin to bed,
I noticed that I had forgotten to turn the drier back on;
not thinking twice about it, I closed the door and turned it on.
As I was leaving the laundry room, I noticed that the load
was bumping around quite a bit.
I figured that my sheets had bunched up (as they sometimes do)
and that they would need a quick fluffing if they were to dry properly.
So I opened the door and, to my great surprise,
was greeted by Trouble
trying to remain upright and
not the least bit happy.
I felt terrible.
I didn't know what to do, so after a bit of extra petting
I gave her a special cat treat
(of which Cali stole half,
even though she had not been subjected to the drier)
I think Trouble is beginning to consider
one day
forgiving me.
But it won't be anytime soon.
Something terrible happened yesterday: I accidentally dried Trouble.
Here is the story, because I am sure that you are demanding
an explanation for this one.
Last night, I was drying our sheets in a load with Orin's fleece blanket.
The sheets were taking a long time, but the blanket was already dry,
so when I went upstairs to put Orin to bed,
I grabbed the blanket and left the sheets,
but I forgot to turn the drier back on.
Unbeknownst to me, while I was putting Orin to bed,
Trouble decided that the drier would be a nice place to take a nap,
after all, who can't resist curling up in damp sheets?
I noticed that I had forgotten to turn the drier back on;
not thinking twice about it, I closed the door and turned it on.
As I was leaving the laundry room, I noticed that the load
was bumping around quite a bit.
I figured that my sheets had bunched up (as they sometimes do)
and that they would need a quick fluffing if they were to dry properly.
So I opened the door and, to my great surprise,
was greeted by Trouble
trying to remain upright and
not the least bit happy.
I didn't know what to do, so after a bit of extra petting
I gave her a special cat treat
(of which Cali stole half,
even though she had not been subjected to the drier)
one day
forgiving me.
Oh dear. I can't believe that she even agrees to be in the same room with you. I'm so glad you noticed the bumping. As much as I don't like crabby cats (having one myself), I can't imagine a slow-roasted-rotisserie crabby cat could be much of a treat.
OMG this one had me laughing so hard people are asking me what is going on. The pictures alone make me laugh. To funny! And Ribbu's comment on here made me laugh again....just can't keep the giggles down.
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