Friday, October 28, 2011

Hook Dilemma

Casey has been working on Martha's Vineyard for the past week...
well, working and fishing, depending on the time of day.
Anyway, this morning he was packing up his things to come home
and one of his fishing hooks went through his finger.
He wasn't able to get it out
and didn't want to go to the hospital on the Vineyard,
so instead he worked a full day with the hook in his finger.

When he got home we tossed around some ideas
about what to do about the hook
(try to tear it out without something to numb the pain,
leave it in and call it a new fashion statement, etc.)
and finally settled on heading up to Dean's hospital for a late-night visit.
As it turned out, it was a very good idea we chose to go to Dean
because it ended up taking three different attempts
before the hook finally came out. 
Thanks Dean!

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