Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My new job

I mentioned in an earlier post that I just started a new job.
I didn't mention that my job is one of the coolest jobs of all time.
I am working for the Association for the Preservation of Cape Cod
surveying rare plant communities around the Cape.
What this means is that I get to hike around beautiful areas
looking for interesting plant communities
and when I find them, I photograph them and map them. 

Here are just a few pictures from my first two weeks:
wild grape
the beach at Wing Island
beech forest
skunk cabbage
salt marsh
salt spray rose
interdune pool
more spartina
I loved some of the places I went so much
that over the weekend, I retraced my steps with Orin and Casey.
Here they are looking at the baby osprey in its nest.

we walked out to the water at low tide
it took a while... but we made it
which sure made Orin happy.

Hope you had a good one too!

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