The other day during our lunch break
I was listening to one of my co-workers
talk about how she had fixed her dishwasher
by cleaning out the leftover bits of food that were
clogging the filter.
Our dishwasher's performance hasn't quite been
up to par lately, so as I listened to her,
I thought to myself
"Hey, I should really give that a try."
Little did I know that this would turn out to be one
of the biggest home improvement blunders of all time.
See, at the beginning, it didn't seem too bad.
After removing the dish rack,
it was clear that there were two filters, each attached by
a couple bolts.
The first one looked like this:
No big deal right?
For this was only the top.
Underneath I found what I would later refer to as
the dishwasher's brain.
The photo below shows parts of the brain.
I think you might need a close-up to really
experience the total nastiness of the brain.
After scooping this stuff out
(and nearly throwing up all over the kitchen)
it was on to filter number 2.
Yup. Almost as gross as filter number 1,
but I don't think anything could beat the brain.
Just in case you needed a close up of this one as well:
After I finished cleaning out both filters
which was likely the most disgusting thing I have ever done,
we turned the dishwasher on to find that apparently
if you remove the brain,
the dishwasher will not work anymore.
Maybe it was act of rebellion on the part of the brain...
maybe not,
either way this was the last glimpse I had of our old machine.

About a week later, a replacement arrived.
Casey popped it in, we started it up
and got clean dishes at last.

So if you are planning to eat dinner at our house anytime soon,
rest assured the brain and all of its accompanying bits
are safely elsewhere,
perhaps plotting the takeover of another unsuspecting home.
Yours perhaps?
No, just kidding, don't go there... really.
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