Sunday, April 14, 2013

Play time!

Despite the fact that Orin is super excited about his baby sister
"popping out" on his birthday,
we were a bit worried that his fifth birthday 
might be eclipsed by the other birthday occurring around that time
so we decided to get him an early birthday present:
a play structure for the backyard.
Step one was to disassemble the structure
 which, even with only a team of two,
we managed to do in record time.
A little over an hour later, 
all of the pieces were stacked in a big pile.
Although the Prius was useful in transporting the swings,
they ended up taking up pretty much all of the available trunk space
so we rented a U-haul to get the larger sections.
 After getting it back home, we started the slightly more challenging 
operation of assembly.
That big pile of pieces turned into a large, very heavy puzzle.
Luckily, we had some good help.
Slowly, it started to come together.

And finally, it was finished.
 Orin was a self-appointed tester of his new structure.

It passed inspection.
 All in a good day's work.

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