Thursday, July 4, 2013

Soccer Buds

Saturday was the last round of Orin's spring soccer league.
In the first half of soccer practice, the kids work on their
"soccer skills", whereas in the second half
there is a scrimmage in which the kids
completely disregard any skills they might have learned
and instead break down into a herd of squealing children
chasing after the ball and occasionally doing things
like kicking the ball at the wrong goal.

We thought Dorian would love it.
We were right.
There is nothing like a large mass of small children
running around wildly to tempt an (almost) 3 year old.

After all, there were goals to be scored,
Fists to be pumped in the air.
And of course, the most important part,
the decision about which sticker to choose
at the end of the practice.
And for all of you reading this on a device
that will allow video,
here is a short clip of the madness.

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