Friday, November 1, 2013

The 10 Steps of Halloween

Step One: Decide what to be

Orin: viking, Ilea: knight
Nope, other way around, 
Orin: knight, Ilea: viking.
Nope, no helmets fit Ilea.
Ilea: bee, Orin: viking.
 Thanks cousin Ardian,
because let's face it,
I barely pulled off making Orin's viking costume in time.
Step two: acquire pumpkins
 Step three: add more decorations
(Thanks, Gabe)
 Step four: Carve pumpkins
 Step five: collect seeds for eating
Collect stem for eating.
 No, bad baby!
 Step six: Collect remaining seeds for chickens
 Step seven: Make the chickens day
 "Hey! while you are feeling like sharing...."
 Step eight: March in a parade:

 There's our viking!

 Step nine: Light the pumpkins
Step ten: take pictures of the trick or treaters,

(or forget to put the data card in the camera and 
think you are taking pictures all night, 
but end up with nothing)

Sorry about that.

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