So I have decided to try to give her a few laughs. She recently commented that I looked "huge" in the last picture I posted on the blog...
If you thought I looked big in those pics, check these out!
Mom now calls me the human basketball.
It is definitely getting harder to navigate around the house without running into things. But the midwife says that I look great and that the baby is doing really well, so that is all that counts, right?
Well, hopefully by the time you read this things will have settled down a little. We will all be praying for you.
Love you!
Lindsay all I can say is I hope I look that good when I am prego! Man you are ally belly and a great looking one at that! I bet from behind you don't even look prego. I have been watching the riots in Haiti on TV. I hope your sis is safe and stays in touch. Sounds like they need food in a bad, bad, bad sort of way. Eventhough we have our own problems here in the US I sure am glad that I don't have to worry about going hungry (and yes there are a lot that do in this county) but all I can say is I don't have to much to complain about when I see the other day to day strugles people go though. My heart and prayers go out to everyone in Haiti. Ok back to the blog...I have 30 more mins until works done. Oh one last thing, Lindsay you are a great writter! I could never write as nice as you do, it's truly fun to read. LOVE LOVE XOXOXO
WOW, you really are getting big Lindsay, and you look like you have a healthy glow. I'm glad to see you guys have everything in order, now the countdown is on. I'll be thinking happy, peaceful baby thoughts for the three of you:)
Cheers, Kristin
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