Monday, September 29, 2008

The Cougar

Well, it seems that the last video is working for enough of you to justify posting another one.
This one requires slightly more background, however.

About a month ago, Casey taught Orin how to scream "like a cougar." Orin got really into this, and would always "cougar" whenever we air-planed him. This morning, Orin and I were in the middle of our early-afternoon dancing period (full of cougaring) when I had an idea... I could share The Cougar with you if only I could figure out how to film Orin in the air.

The following video was created with my camera balanced on my forehead while I lay on my back, air-planing Orin over my head. 

I know, you don't even have to tell me... that was pretty talented  :)

Hope you enjoy this one. We even put music to it, so you all will get a little "G-Love and Special Sauce" in case you are having a dreary afternoon.

Much Love.


Anonymous said...

Ooooh that's so cute!!! i love his cougar scream :) the videos are awesome!!!!!!!!!
Much Love
Aunt Katie

Unknown said...

Keep it up!!!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! I love the videos. They're truly hilarious and put a smile on my face. It must be great to have such guarenteed entertainment. Fun times.

Anonymous said...

Just am able to see my family since I have been off with knee surgery for 2 weeks and what a wonderful treat to see, I love you all. Mom/Nana