On the last day of the grandparent's trip we decided to go to Camas.
Everything would have gone smoothly had I not been the navigator.
Unfortunately, I made the mistake of assigning myself the position
and 30 minutes later we were in the Gorge, which is,
if you know your Northwest geography, not even close to Camas.
Not to mention we were out of gas.
After a detour that led us to the oldest gas station
in the history of mankind
(one pump attached to a country store)
we decided to make the best of the situation and visit the Vista House,
which, at this point, was only a few minutes away.
It was a good stop.
The Vista House is one of the best places to see the Gorge.
My dad and Carla got to take lots of touristy pictures,
and I got to pretend that it was all part of the plan.
Eventually we made it to Camas.
It was there that Orin found this leaf.
It was a nice, big leaf.
He ran around waving it in the air for quite awhile.
It was just starting to look like the leaf was going to come home with us
when Orin stumbled upon this:
Apparently, it was a perfect spot for a leaf.
Orin tucked it into the hole
and walked away, satisfied with his choice...
But only for a moment.
The leaf would be coming with us after all.
The next morning we said goodbye to
Grandma Carla and Grandpa Jack.
We were all sad to see them go,
although for different reasons.
Orin will miss playing finger puppets with his Grandma,
Casey will miss the wine, the cheese, and the conversation,
and I am just sad that I won't get the opportunity to show my dad
that I am not always terrible at golf
(just most of the time)
Until next year.
Everything would have gone smoothly had I not been the navigator.
Unfortunately, I made the mistake of assigning myself the position
and 30 minutes later we were in the Gorge, which is,
if you know your Northwest geography, not even close to Camas.
Not to mention we were out of gas.
After a detour that led us to the oldest gas station
in the history of mankind
(one pump attached to a country store)
we decided to make the best of the situation and visit the Vista House,
which, at this point, was only a few minutes away.
The Vista House is one of the best places to see the Gorge.
My dad and Carla got to take lots of touristy pictures,
and I got to pretend that it was all part of the plan.
It was there that Orin found this leaf.
He ran around waving it in the air for quite awhile.
It was just starting to look like the leaf was going to come home with us
The leaf would be coming with us after all.
Grandma Carla and Grandpa Jack.
although for different reasons.
Orin will miss playing finger puppets with his Grandma,
Casey will miss the wine, the cheese, and the conversation,
and I am just sad that I won't get the opportunity to show my dad
that I am not always terrible at golf
(just most of the time)
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