So carving the pumpkins 2 weeks early turned out
not to be such a great idea.
What follows are the before and after pictures
of our carefully carved masterpieces:
Mine fared the best.

Casey's first pumpkin looks like it got a black eye.

His second pumpkin collapsed in on itself
after a heavy mold infestation.

And Steven's took the worst blow; we think it got kicked in by
a neighborhood troublemaker (more likely)
or half eaten by a raccoon (less likely),
but either way, it definitely has seen better days.
And now, with Halloween right around the corner,
we have had to move all of our pumpkins to the compost pile.
Next year, we will have to remember to curb our carving enthusiasm
until some day closer to Halloween.
And now for two photos that should have gone with the last post:
Purple, continuing to be tortured... you poor, poor dog.

not to be such a great idea.
What follows are the before and after pictures
of our carefully carved masterpieces:
after a heavy mold infestation.
a neighborhood troublemaker (more likely)
or half eaten by a raccoon (less likely),
but either way, it definitely has seen better days.
And now, with Halloween right around the corner,
we have had to move all of our pumpkins to the compost pile.
until some day closer to Halloween.
And now for two photos that should have gone with the last post:
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