Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Today I officially hit "term"
That means that if I go into labor on my own now
it will be because the baby and my body have agreed
that she is officially done cooking 
(notice that I said "my body" because the rest of me 
has been ready for her to be done for a while).

So how am I feeling?
Not great.
Mostly, I would just appreciate the opportunity to sleep.
I think that sleep becomes so difficult at the end of pregnancy
as an evolutionary adaptation to ensure that you appreciate
the additional hours of sleep you get after your baby is born
(even if that sums to 1/10 of the sleep you got before pregnancy).

Why am I not sleeping well, you ask.
Well, first of all, I can't sleep on my back, or my stomach, 
or my right side and my left side has a pinched nerve 
which acts up after a couple hours.
From there on out, I "sleep" sitting up.
But now there is a new menace in the game... contractions.
Two nights ago I had so many contractions that I barely slept at all.
Every time I would start to fall asleep I would be rudely awakened
by the tense muscle tightening and difficultly breathing 
that comes along with the contraction.
So yesterday I consulted some pregnancy books
and found out that these contractions could be minimized
by flooding my system with water.
So last night, I drank two or three huge glasses of water before bed
which meant that instead of being rudely awakened by 
the sensation of a contraction,
instead I was rudely awakened by my bladder announcing that
it was full... again.

Have I mentioned that I am ready to be done?

 And because I don't have pictures that go along
with any if the things I have just complained about,
instead I give you Orin in a box,
because you know I wouldn't
deprive you of pictures for an entire post.

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