Saturday, May 11, 2013

What I am Missing

With less than two weeks left before my due date,
I have moved in with my mother in Andover.
I decided to move to Andover so that we could deliver 
Baby Number Two in the same place that we had Orin:
the North Shore Birth Center.
Because if you have to be in labor,
you might as well get to be in a huge tub next to 
a door that opens so you can hear the birds singing
and smell the sweet breeze of springtime
in your state of otherwise utter and total misery.
 Although I am glad to finally be here because
it has ended my anxiety about not being able to make it
to the birth center in time if I went into labor early
(with Boston and its unpredictable traffic looming right
 in the middle of the commute from the Cape),
I am a bit sad that I am missing some important things back home.
For example, T-Ball has started. 
 The video on our camera didn't work during practice number one
so Casey took these pictures to help me feel
slightly less left-out:

The team (or part of it, anyway):
Orin practicing his base running:
His catching:
His batting and running to first:
 And his looking adorable in a batting helmet:
If Baby arrives on time, 
I might be able to catch the final practice of the season.
In the meantime, I am with much less interesting company
 Paley: the queen of sulking
and Atlas,
the king of shedding.
When she is not working,
I also get to hang with my mother who keeps me sane
and, of course, Baby Number 2
who is trying to drive me crazy by continuing to
flip into breech position
despite the fact that I cannot actually deliver her like that
and I am very close to my due date.

Likely, there will be more on this issue to come
as I have just scheduled an appointment to 
try to have an acupuncturist turn her
with a procedure called moxibustion
so that I can avoid the dreaded external cephalic version...
a procedure which I narrowly escaped last week
and will be on the table again if she is not head down
for my next exam on Wednesday.
Wish us luck.

1 comment:

Alaina Michelle said...

You look amazing Lindsay! Best of luck with your birth.