Thursday, March 6, 2008

South Carolina and South of the Border

Our stay in South Carolina was relatively uneventful. We only spent one night there and went to see two main attractions. The first was a large mansion turned history museum from the days of the Civil War. The house was being worked on when we got there, so I took a picture of the trees in the backyard instead. I didn't take in too much of the history, but I did remember that part of Forest Gump was filmed around there.

The second place we stopped was South of the Border, which is an enormously disappointing tourist trap right before the North Carolina line.  The billboard advertisements for South of the Border begin 163 miles before you get there and continue every 10-20 miles, leaving you with very high hopes by the time you arrive. However, the city block features very little other than some gift shops, a fireworks store, and a 20 foot plastic spark plug. 

I suppose it is probably the only place to see a giant spark plug though, if that kind of thing is important to you.

Well, we are off now to the final state (North Carolina) in this part of our journey. For those of you that don't know our itinerary, we are planning on spending a weekend with my brother in Fort Bragg, NC where he is stationed for training for the Special Forces. We are then heading to a house that my father has rented on the coast to spend a month relaxing in the sun and enjoying the perks of indoor plumbing. From there, we will travel up to Andover, MA to catch the beginning of spring in the northeast and dive into our final wave of baby- accessory buying. Andover also marks the location where we will both (very begrudgingly) return to the work force.

So for now, we are trying to enjoy our last days on the road, soaking up all the fond memories and familiarities that come with van life: Walmart parking lots, plastic pee cups, glass water jugs for the dogs (they chew plastic jugs when we leave them alone in the car) and, most importantly, our awesome rechargeable fluorescent lantern that has allowed our days to continue past sunset for the last 2 1/2 months. 

The nostalgia is killing me and I am late for our nightly card game, so I need to sign off.

We love you and hope that you are all doing great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um ya exciting to see the spark plug...I guess to funny! Thanks for letting me know what the rest of the trip intails because I am here in bend and don't get the low down from everyone in P-town. The pix of the trees are beautiful. I miss you two sooooo much and want to see your little bundle of joy like ASAP! well...once it's born. What is your due date Lindsay? Because if your due any time around April 20th stay close to a hospital becasue it's a full moon and you know what they say about full moons and pregnet women.....the babys just pop out!!! But do tell me when you due date is and what address can I send baby stuff to once you pop?