Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Tooth Fairy Failure

I will just go right ahead and say it:

Casey's dentist appointment did not go very well.

After examining his tooth (what's left of it), the dentist determined that he was going to have to get an "implant," which is a fancy way of saying "a procedure that will cost quite a lot of money." Dentists preform these operations when they have kids that are beginning college or they decide to go on month long cruises in the Bahamas.

But unfortunately for this particular dentist, we do not have time to get the implant done here, so we will be funding the vacation of a dentist in Boston instead. So, for the mean time, Casey will look like this (see pictures 4 and 5). 

But wait, there is more bad news. Casey had another tooth that needed to get a crown (remember his root canal in Louisiana... well that never got finished). It turns out that they have enough time to put a crown on that tooth (appointment scheduled for March 28), but while they were priming that tooth for the crown they noticed that the tooth next to it had a large crack in it and, you guessed it, that tooth needs a crown too! 

So it looks like we are going to be supporting the ADA for quite a while.

And poor Casey doesn't get to eat anything hard or chewy until the end of March. I guess it is a good thing that we are in one of the seafood capitals of the US.... 

Well, we are off to dinner now. With enough wine, Casey should be able to forget all about his dental problems.

Love you all.


Anonymous said...

case.... probably the best picture iv ever seen. -lace

Anonymous said...

... and i relize you have a mustash, ur half way there, just shave the beard? sincerley would pay money for that -lace

Unknown said...

Casey, I like the new look. All you need now is a really sweet mullet. Lindsay, do you realize that this is what your baby is going to look like. Like they say: "A face only a mother could love." By the way its still snowing a bunch at the mountain. Much love.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your teeth. Seafood sounds great! Have a happy Easter to both of you. Lindsay-How's the baby? Is he dancing and moving around in there much?

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the tragedy of October I hope I was able to help you with some of the problems Call if you have any questions after 4:00 I will talk to you again Sunday

Dad Z

Anonymous said...

You wear the hole well Casey, a little attitude makes up for the missing tooth:)

Anonymous said...

LOVE YOU CASEY! Man I know all about going in for one little thing and the next thing you know you have put the dentist entire family through college! I picked the wrong profession. Love you two.