Monday, March 24, 2008

Two Bads Make a Mini Golf

It was terrible.

I can't even tell you... 

The game started really well. Everything pointed to a spot in the sweet sixteen for our beloved Blue Devils. But the second half of the game told a different story. As we watched the slow collapse, depression set in. Then heavy drinking (not for me, of course). In the end, we were left feeling betrayed and confused. Who would we root for now? 

We still don't know... maybe Davidson.

Next year, Duke will not disappoint us.

Next year, they will have one more fan (the baby). And my mother won't be in Haiti visiting my sister during the opening games, thus depriving Duke of her energy and focus.

That will make the difference.

Until then....

More bad news. I feel like that is all that we have been giving you lately. Isn't that terrible? The next blog will be uplifting. I promise.

So here is the latest of problems:

On the way home from golfing last week, the van had some kind of malfunction (I wasn't there, only Casey and my dad). So this last weekend my brother (master of automotive repair) came over from Fayetteville and inspected the van. After a quick run to the store to get some sort of fancy diagnostic implement, he came up with his verdict.

"Well, it looks like you need an oil change and a new engine. Besides that you're good."

Oh no. Turns out, one of our cylinders is dead. This is apparently a very large-scale problem... an engine being a relatively important part of what makes a car function. 

And because walking to Boston does not sound appealing (I would have to carry the bird cage the whole way), we will have to come up with an alternative plan. We just haven't yet. 

But we will and when we do, we will let you know. In the meantime, we are off to go play mini golf and try to forget about out troubles. 

Love you all. 


Anonymous said...

Hey you two! I have spent the last couple hours catching up on your blog history and the numerous adventures of the Zawicki expedition - are you sure you are not naming your child Short Round? (If you get this movie reference...awesome). I must say you two are having an amazing time and you both look for Casey's tooth - uh, you are in for a hell of a ride in fixing that thing; I had to fix my front tooth just about 2 yrs ago remember?...NOT fun! Anyway, it has been great catching up on all you have been up to! I am looking forward to checking back in. Take care you two.... Love you both, Mikey Herm

Anonymous said...

hey loves, sorry about duke:0(
and i am sending my most positive energy, and loadest lauphs to you all, to help with any negative ions you've got floating around. good things are comin, theres defenitly a reason for this, some sort of blessing in disguise. well, gota run, i love you and hope your easter was as yummy as mine. -lace

Unknown said...

No compression in a cylinder? Sounds like a perfect running VW engine! Tell me about it when you get a chance.


Anonymous said...

Oh Man Duke really messed up my braket! I had them going all the way to the sweet sixteen! I was also disapointed! Oh well better luck next year. Either way as long as Kansas can pull it off I am good! I have Kansas, Wash. St. (I know long shot), UCLA and Texas in my final four! Next year the NCAA round 1 and 2 will be in p-town so maybe you will have to come watch Duke in p-town! Love you both! cheer for the pac 10 now!