Greetings work force, how's the day to day? On this wonderful Saturday afternoon Lindsay, George, and I (Casey) are on a journey to the Desert Museum in Tucson Arizona. This is not a zoo!!!! it's a museum of living Arizona animals that smells like a zoo. It's awesome and very informative and the animals are all found right here in Arizona. Lindsay even had a great time looking and learning about the Arizona desert and all the animals which make this desolate place come alive. Some of the creatures found here are javalinas (desert pigs) , Mexican wolves, BIRDS, cats, and you know the rest of the darn animals! We spent about 5 hours peering at the make up of Arizona without the history of course. Before I forget, Jack, I found some golf tees for you but Lindsay wouldn't approve of the purchase so I took a picture: saguaro cacti with tees glued on top hahahah!!! peace out Casey

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