Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Life on the Beach

Today we decided to go do something really special for the dogs, due to the fact that all day yesterday they were sick from their deworming medication. 

So we went to the beach, which we do everyday, but this time we let them run off leash, which we also do everyday, except this time Egg got to run too, which we never do.

This wasn't exactly the original plan (he ripped the leash out of my hand and dove into the ocean), but it ended up working out anyway. After the were all tired out, Casey and I went birding and saw spoonbills, shrikes, osprey, sandhill cranes, and every kind of egret and heron imaginable. 

Now we are sitting at the laundromat because, after the worm incident of yesterday, we have decided that it would be best to wash all the bedding (remember purples vanagon princess picture from a couple of days ago.... yeah) 

And I have included another belly shot for you, Lacey  (I am not intentionally trying to look like a moody rock star, it just came out that way)

there will be more to come.

Love you.

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