Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 5- Bonnaroo Baby

Although Orin was not the only baby at Bonnaroo,
he was definitely the coolest.
Right away, he picked up on the friendly southern mentality.
Here he is, tipping his hat to one of the cute neighbor babies.
The festival held nothing but good times for Orin.
While his favorite activity was entertaining the masses
with his singing/dancing/clapping routine,
he also enjoyed kicking back and watching the sky for
the giant smoke rings and hot air balloon.
When the heat got to be too much,
we would hang out in the kid's tent, a baby heaven
stocked with instruments, coloring utensils, and a kiddy pool.
The only thing that Orin didn't want to do
while we were there was to be carried.
Now that he can walk well, he is eager to pull his own weight.
Here he is in the center of the crowd,
making his way to the main venue.
Orin would have been able to walk faster,
had he not been so concerned with cleaning up the debris
left behind by the crowd.
The garbage man has a hard job, Orin reminded us,
there is no reason to let him do it by himself.
After a hard day's work, there was nothing like a little snooze.
If there was one thing that was true all weekend long,
it was that Orin's naps always happened at the
same time as the best concerts.
Here he is, for the second time in his life,
sleeping through the entire Wilco set.
It is hard being a baby.
On the morning of the last day, we broke down our camp
early and moved our car to a spot near the gate
so that we wouldn't have to go through another round
of the nightmarish traffic jam.
While we had done a pretty good job estimating what supplies
we would need for the weekend,
there were a couple things hanging around on the last day
that we needed to get rid of, including a half a bottle of tequila.
Solution: Free shots for all.
Bonnaroo was an amazing festival.
One of the things that struck me most about it was the people.
We met so many extraordinary people.
As soon as we entered the farm, it was like we were in an
alternate universe. Everyone was so kind and helpful,
people shared everything, I never once saw anyone get angry.
It was a great feeling being a part of that.
I am already looking forward to coming back.
Here is the last picture I took from the festival.
It was midnight on Sunday,
Phish was almost through their second set.
Twenty minutes later, we would wake up Steven and Orin,
walk to the car, bid farewell to Manchester,
and drive back to Nashville to catch our plane the next day.
I still can't believe it is over.


Anonymous said...

And won't it be great to have a place to stay!

Tim and Jenn said...

Looks and sounds like you guys had a truly memorable time! So glad all made it through without ending up like the guys on the truck. I think the cape is a fantastic idea and I love the straw hats! My sister Erica and her husband Taylor just saw Wilco this week near L.A. She enjoyed them a lot. Tim and I saw a guy named Jesse Cook here in Oakville at the Waterfront Festival. He did a lot of latin guitar and bongo's. He played some Rhamba's and had a bunch of guys from Cuba, Brazil, and Mexico with him. I loved the music. Glad you had a great trip.

Anonymous said...

so i've been pretty busy at work and haven't checked in on you guys in a while, but i am totally jealous about bonnaroo and really excited that you guys got to check it out. It looks and sounds like an excellent time. i wish you three very well and look forward to seeing you guys in august when i come home for the wedding.