Saturday, January 10, 2009

Orin and his Puppies

Orin has three puppies.
He loves them.
To show his affection he feeds them.
For this, they love him too.
The fact that Orin feeds the dogs at the table
drives me nuts, but he really seems to enjoy it,
so today, instead of trying to thwart him,
I decided to photograph the ritual.

First, he lures one in by calling ba-ba-baaaa
(the full extent of his vocabulary)
Then he gives them, in this case Purple,
a glance at the goods.
He then, very gently, leans over and offers her
the over-priced organic teething biscuit.
She considers the offer,
and accepts.
Orin is happy.
Purple is happy.
I am not happy.
Especially because he gave Purple a treat...
Purple, the worst behaved of the three terrible dogs.
Purple, the one who just last April
while I was deep in my third trimester and nothing fit me,
decided to destroy my most comfortable pair of pants.
But there is nothing I can do,
Orin loves his puppies.

1 comment:

Tim and Jenn said...

Oh Dear. One of many many parental conundrums sure to come. Bummer.
He does look very happy though.

much love,
Miss you

Were those the pants that you got with the gift certificate? Another bummer.