Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Crawler

Lately I have been feeling rather lousy and so, unavoidably,
I have let some of my responsibilities fall through the cracks.
One of them, if you hadn't noticed, has been the blog.
But, slowly I am recovering from my ailments 
and will have to play catch up, for it has been a busy week.
To start, I would like to give you a quick update on Orin.
He is now officially crawling in places other than the doctor's office.
That is, as long as he is not burdened by pants. 
Today, in the middle of a diaper change, 
I suddenly felt inspired to let Orin be diaper-free for a while.
He was quite pleased, I suppose, because he thanked me by instantly
proving that I had not made up the fact that he was 
now capable of crawling on all fours.
I was so happy to watch him buzzing around the room 
that I almost forgot to break out the camera to document it for you.
But I remembered.
I did not, however, remember that Orin was still bottomless.
He reminded me a couple minutes later.
The resulting need for a clean up ended the photo session prematurely,
but at least it was documented.
Now I realize that without video you don't have to believe that Orin
is actually crawling in the above pictures. 
But this one should take away any doubt... 
the look of determination on his face, 
the steadfast support of his puppies.
This baby is totally on the move.
There is much more catch up coming, but for now, I am off to bed.

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