Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hamper Baby

Since arriving at Grandpa Jack and Grandma Carla's house,
the weather has taken a turn for the worse.
Well, I suppose that is actually a matter of opinion...
I am not sure Orin minds being cooped up inside all that much.
After all, there is so much to do in a new place,
especially in a house that is far from baby-proofed.
There are phone calls to be made,
baskets to hide in,
cat doors to attempt to escape through,
brief cases to steal
(and then dance on),
and foot stools to climb in.
(Here is the stool pre-baby...
I don't think I will ever know where the idea to flip
this over and climb in it came from, but that's how I found
him when I came around the corner)
My favorite stunt of Orin's so far involved him
placing both his soccer ball and a tupperware lid
in the washing machine, closing the door,
and then pressing the "on" button.
(He did this all by himself, I am not making this up)
When he is not getting into trouble,
he has been spending a lot of time
playing a new game in which I get to push a laundry hamper
around the house again and again as fast as possible
while he screeches with delight.
Orin can't get enough of it.
I think it's fun the first 16 times,
then, not so much.

Every once in a while we get a break in the clouds
that allows us to venture out to the pool
where Ori amuses himself by throwing rocks into the water.
But the sun never lasts long and soon we are back inside
and back to the laundry hamper.
High five that.

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