Friday, April 5, 2013

Egg Innundation

Typically, during the winter months
chickens naturally lay fewer eggs.
Chicken-raisers just know to be patient and 
eventually in the spring the flock picks back up with regular production. 
Knowing this fact, I was expecting to see some kind of a decline in
the number of eggs I was pulling out of the nest boxes each day.

However, my girls apparently didn't get the memo.
All winter long I have been trudging through the snow
to collect the 10-12 eggs per day from my 12 chickens.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am glad to have plenty of eggs
but I have to say, there are some downsides. 
For example, where do you put all of these eggs?
Throughout most of the winter
almost every inch of room in my fridge was taken up by eggs
and trust me, nobody can make quiche fast enough 
to put any kind of substantial dent in their collection.
So I started packaging them up and bringing them to the local feed store
where the owners happily purchase them from me 
and sell them to their customers.
 My girls eggs are particularlly popular because of their
beautiful deep orange yolks
and beacuse almost every dozen contains at least one of these: 
a two-for-one egg.

 It is hard to take a photograph that really shows the enormity
of this Ameraucana egg,
but here it is again next to a perfectly normal size Red Star egg.
Even extra large egg cartons can not contain these beasts.
Last week, after returning home from North Carolina
I was greeted by a fridge that contained nothing but a wall of eggs.
We literally could not have gone to the grocery store
because there would have been no room for food.
So out of pure necessity, I sold 18 dozen eggs to the feed store 
before I was cut off... they had run out of room in their fridge.
After selling 18 dozen eggs at least I was able to 
stack the remaining 4 dozen in the drawers of the fridge
to free up some room for other important fridge contents,
like, for example, milk.

So why have my girls kept up their egg production 
all winter and at what point will they feel the need to rest?
I suppose you will just have to ask them
for I honestly have no idea.
But, for now, let's focus on the more important question: 
Frittata anyone?

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