Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Play Time!

We are leaving tomorrow for 4 days to go to the 
a music festival in Connecticut. 

When we return we will have many more pictures to share
which I will add to the collection of things
waiting to be posted, a collection that includes
seal watching in Chatham, music on the beach,
a Bob Dylan and Wilco show, and more.

Eventually, I will get better at this whole blogging thing.

For now, though, I recognize that most of you 
are only interested in cute baby pictures,
so this post is for you.
I put Ilea down on her play mat and starting
snapping shots.
I couldn't stop taking pictures and I couldn't choose
which ones to post so you get them all.

See you on Monday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Morning,
I have been meaing to write and thank you for the beautiful family photo. You all look very happy and healthy. I love to keep up by checking you your blog. Love hugs and kiises to all. Will write soon.

Aunt Tree