Sunday, January 31, 2010

A New Room

A couple months back, after the 458th time that the dogs
woke Orin up during a nap and/or after he went to bed for the night,
Casey and I decided that Ori needed his own room.
There weren't too many rooms available so it didn't take long to
narrow the options down to my "office"
a.k.a. the place I put everything that I don't have time to deal with,
don't have a place for, or simply don't use.
In the beginning, I just shoveled a hole in the pile of junk for his crib,
but as time went by, the situation started to bother me.
See, the room looked something like this,
same carpet and wall color, but with significantly more stuff:
While this is a perfectly fine room,
it does not in any way resemble a baby room.
So, I began complaining to Casey that Orin's room needed a makeover.
And then I left for the Bahamas...
when I got back, I was greeted by this:
Well, not exactly this, there were still heaps of my stuff laying around,
but it was a dramatic improvement.
After 5 or 6 trips to the Goodwill to get rid of my junk,
and a couple finishing touches
-including his own mini ooid sand beach-
his room was finally perfect.
Because if you have a popsicle, a pair of muddy work boots,
some ooids, and a great new room,
what more could you possible want?

Actually, there is one more thing that you could want...

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