Sunday, June 22, 2008

Double Trouble

This weekend our friends Colleen and Cody came up from Cape Cod 
with their baby Rowan to meet Orin.
Luckily, my mother and stepfather had gone out of town to visit with their other grandchild because the house immediately turned into Baby Explosion.

--Baby Explosion (n) : the complete and total takeover of an area by brightly colored plastic toys, diapers, drool, and vomit. Often accompanied by unpredictable crying and yelling.--

(Mom, don't worry the carpets made it through the ordeal unscathed.)

Nothing could have prepared us for how much Rowan had grown since the last time we had seen him. He literally looks like a little sumo wrestler.

Even at Orin's whopping 10 and 1/2 pounds (we had another appointment with the pediatrician), Rowan is double his size.

Casey took the opportunity to practice juggling a much bigger baby.
It is amazing to think that someday Orin will be this big...

After the initial introductions, we packed up the cars and headed to the river 
for a picnic and a little fishing.

Here is an even better picture to illustrate Rowan's enormity.
A close up of his legs is in order.
Ori, it still being before 2:30pm, slept through the entire outing.

After the picnic Cody and Casey took the kayaks to the lake for some more fishing
These are some of the pictures they brought back from their adventure.
It was reportedly quite successful.
While the boys were at the lake, the babies got to know each other a little better with some tummy time.

Rowan also got to take a turn on Ori's swing...
and Colleen demonstrated the Miracle Baby Hold, known for taking a very unhappy baby and turning him/ her into a contentedly dangling baby.
After an afternoon of playing, we decided it was bath time.
It is not clear whether Rowan really fit into the bathtub, but he did take advantage of the tight quarters to show off his recently developed toe-sucking ability.

Ori is still not a huge fan of the bath, but he does like the after-snuggle in his frog towel.

But all good things come to an end, so this morning we had to bid goodbye to our friends. Casey begrudgingly headed back to work while I began the after-Baby Explosion cleanup.

Until next time.


Anonymous said...

Love the double trouble pics. Congratulations on the new milestones Orin! Casey Congratulations on the great catch. Looks like you and Colleen had a great time together. I like that dangling baby hold. Much Love,Jenn

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a great weekend and were able to get out and enjoy the weather. I'm glad Orin got to play with his new friend, he looks hugable too. Hope all of you are doing great, Orin looks like he is getting stronger by the day and holding that head up good. Can't wait to see you. Love Nana Sheree'