Sunday, May 24, 2009

Birth Day

Exactly one year ago today, Casey and I awoke at 3 am
and began a battle for bathroom rights that would last for the 
next hour and a half.
Casey had one of the worst cases of food poisoning ever,
and I, although I didn't know it at the time, had just gone into labor.
Looking back, I still remember that morning like it was yesterday.
Through all of the chaos, the one moment 
that stands out the most was this one:
The first time that I held Orin in my arms.

And here is his first moment with his daddy.
It really doesn't seem like a year has passed already
and I am finally beginning to understand why people refer to their
babies who are over a year old as "14 months" or "17 months" or
(my favorite) "26 months."
It is as if by continuing to refer to their age in months,
you can slow down time.
Although I will probably not refer to Orin's age in months anymore,
it is certainly not because I don't want to slow down time.
Honestly, if I had the chance to go back to that morning a year
ago and do it all over again, I would be tempted.

But, why look back when there is so much to look forward to?
Happy Birthday Orin.


Alden said...


Tim and Jenn said...

Yay Orin! Happy Birthday to you!