Saturday, September 13, 2008

(Another) Day at the Farm

Yesterday we snapped on our overalls and headed to the farm
for Orin's first barnyard experience.
When we arrived we were greeted warmly
by one of the local mules.
He strolled over to introduce himself,
but then decided that Orin looked tasty
and went in for a nibble.

Orin took it pretty well, 
but was glad when we moved on to the more docile sheep

and then to the pig
with piglets
We think the pig barn was his favorite
even though Charlotte had the day off

Next we looked at some rescued birds,
  (here Orin is working on his "wise-as-an-owl" face)
stood inside a flower tee-pee,
got inspired by the community gardens,
and tested out some local hot peppers.
Love and Hugs.


Anonymous said...

OOh little baby Orin. That looks like so much fun!!!! I love the mule :) Can't wait to see you all again.... very soon :) We love you tons.
Much Love- Aunt Katie and Uncle Tony

Anonymous said...

It is so wonderful to have your blog...times are stressful at work and every once and a while to escape I check out what new is happening and how it brings a little bit of peace while I am surounded with stacks of paper and files so high I can't see over them....I love it, can't wait until I have a little one of my own. love you all!