Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fleece bags, straw baskets, and other baby essentials

There are some things that you don't realize until you become a parent.
Like the importance of a having a zip-up fleece bag.
Before Orin was born, the "puppy bag" was just another cute baby outfit waiting in the dresser.
Now it is, by far, the most important piece of clothing in my world. 

Why is it so important you ask?
Because you don't even realize how complicated it is to get a onesie or a tee-shirt on a screaming baby... because lets face it, the only reason that you would have to change them is that they have just gotten something foul on themselves and it has leaked causing them to go into a serious meltdown mode.
But with a zip up bag, those transitions are so easy.
Tonight, my mother and I plan to work on making a new zippered fleece bag,
thus reducing the stress I feel when it has to go into the wash.

And other wonderful, important things:
Hand-woven baby baskets.
A gift from my sister, brought directly from Haiti.
This is a wonderful baby accessory because it can be used as a portable crib.
Since Orin is very fond of napping, it works well for us... he can sleep wherever and whenever he wants and I can maintain some mobility around the house.
Things that are less appealing:
Baby exercises.
Last night my mother decided to work on upper arm strength training.
It was going really well and Ori seemed to be genuinely enjoying himself... 
But then we heard the tell-tale sounds of poopy... 
lots of poopy.
Due to the slight reverse incline of his position, more than just a regular clean-up was in order.
My mom described it as "epic"
I just thought it was gross.
Either way, there will be no more inclined exercising.
But to end on a positive note: one more baby-essential: The Boppy
The boppy is a fantastic invention created for easy breast-feeding.
I also use it as a prop to hold him on my lap while I work on the blog (like right now)
or, when the phone rings...
it can stand alone as a maintain-baby-in-peaceful-state for a second until I can sit down again
and make him look so cute that for the next 5 minutes all I can do is take pictures

Oh my...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Orin seems to have big feet. At least it looks that way in the last picture. You know what they say about guys with big feet.......They wear big shoes! hehehe. Great tips Lindsay. I didn't know that babies had to exercise also. Maybe Orin and I can syncronize our gym schedules. Three times a week from 2;30-3:00 sound good to you? I'm sorry to hear about the "epic" poopy. It sounds like mommy hazing...Yikes! Keep it going Lindasy. You're doing great! And, once again this child has FANTASTIC fashion sense. :-)