Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Some scattered bits

Recently I have been accused of slacking a little on the blog. The entry numbers per month speak for themselves... life has been slowing down a bit.

I guess it is hard to make things seem interesting in between traveling across the United States and having a baby.
Although I assure you, when the little one does arrive (2 more weeks!) the blog will pick right back up again and you will be flooded with so many baby pictures that you will not know what to do with them.

But for all of you that would like to know what we have been up to 
whether it is interesting or not, this entry is for you: 

Honestly, we have been doing a lot of eating.

See, the school where my mom works has a dining hall which is open most of the day and boasts some amazing food variety. Really, if you can think of it, they probably have it and, of course, it is free and all-you-can-eat.

It has suited us well. I think we have both put on quite a few pounds since arriving and only I can blame it on the baby.

In other news, springtime has finally arrived in the northeast.

To celebrate, Casey and I took a trip on his day off to visit my old stomping grounds in central Mass. It felt good to be back in the van.
And even better to be back in the central Mass forests.
We packed a picnic and spent the day hanging out by the river, watching the dogs swim, and enjoying the sun.
Later on, we met up with my father and my brother-in-law for a late afternoon walk and a scrumptious dinner. 
The dogs outnumbered the people on the walk. 
This is my brother-in-law, Andrew.
On Casey's next day off, we decided to go to the Boston Science Museum.
The museum is so big it is hard not to get lost, it is definitely the kind of place you need to go to more than once.
One of Casey's favorite exhibits was the make-your-own-mobile.
Later when we got home, he decided it would be a good time to finish the bird mobile for the baby. See how the designs are eerily similar?
We also moved the furniture around until we were satisfied that we had the best set up for the baby's arrival. Here is our crib nook, complete with mobile and Red Sox blanket.
Now all there is left to do is wait...

Don't worry, it shouldn't be long now.

Love you all.


Anonymous said...

With all the baby talk it makes me want one....but then I think about it and I can wait. Besides I have yet to meet a man that I could handle dealing with the rest of my life. I can't wait for the day I get word that the baby has come! I am getting so excited for you guys. Definitaly get out and do a few things you like that would be hard with a baby in the next weeks. Well I love you both tons!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun times! Spring has sprung in MA. I can't wait to get back to central mass too and just new England in general. I miss the colonial architecture. The Boston Museum of Science ROCKS!!! I love the massive electricity show! A beautiful bird mobile!!! I've seen it before but what does PACE with the rainbow mean? Casey, if you havn't seen it already you need to see CLoverfield! Intense! Blew my mind! Lindsay, you wouldn't like it, much death and destruction but deffinately a thinker. NOt for a pregnant woman though. Feel well, much love love love. (that's one for each of you) Talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the little baby!!!!!Everything seems to be falling into place :) I miss you guys sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much :( We will have to have a doggie play date when you guys get back. Love you
Love Katie

Unknown said...

Gooooood luck you guys! (Mostly Lindsay) Let me know how "no drugs" goes during labor. You're a brave woman, and I will be thinking of you guys in the coming days! You both look very ready, and I love the peace flag, very bright for baby. See you on the flip side, all 3 of you. Lori Coon