Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Although this video has nothing to do with Halloween,
I thought it would be a good time to post it,
just in case you need some holiday cheer. 

Now, moving on to Halloween:
This year we were going to make Orin a polar bear costume.
Later we changed "polar bear" into "snow cougar"
to go with Orin's cougar screeches, which
he loves to demonstrate his unmatched ability to produce.

However, when Halloween rolled around,
Orin had already worn his snow cougar costume so often that
we decided we needed a new idea.

So for Halloween this year Orin was
a Stew.
Unlike most babies in their first costume,
Orin seemed to actually enjoy being a stew.
He even got quite into sampling himself...
and, just in case you can't see the details in the last picture,
I will provide a close-up of the tongue-action
Maybe a dash of salt...

1 comment:

Tim and Jenn said...

LOVE the laughing video!!!! You don't know how that lifts my spirits. He has a fantastic laugh. I love it when children discover new and amusing things. Happy Halloween!
Much love,