Sunday, November 16, 2008

Another Victory

Portland has done it again...
this city has gone just one step further in asserting that it is,
quite certainly, the best city in the nation.
Besides having the best music, the best thai food and the best coffee...
Portland now has 
the best airport.

Welcome to Portland International Airport
This airport could have easily surpassed Chicago's O'Hare and 
New York's Laguardia by simply having all of the terminals 
located within the same time zone
but no, it doesn't stop there.
Portland airport boasts the latest in toilet technology-
dual flush toilets 
 that allow you to select different quantities of water,
depending on your needs 
(This is not a joke)
Recently, Portland has gone even further by coming up with the
most wonderful invention in the history of parking lots.
Green and red lights glowing above the rows to allow drivers
to quickly and efficiently locate an open parking place,
thus eliminating processions of cars
with frantic drivers circling the lots looking for The Best Spot.
Just another wonderful feature to lower your stress level right before
you have to get in line to wait for airport security 
to rid you of your coat, shoes, belt, change, cell phone, computer,
safety pins, containers of liquid larger than 3 ounces, 
and fire arms.
Good work Portland.

Oh, and why were we at Portland International Airport?
Because Grandpa Jack is in town!
More on that to come...


Anonymous said...

That is awsome! Didn't even know; did you know that you can rent bikes at random places in Portland just sitting along the street! Man I think you should put Strawberries in there or maybe even some corn....I think you guys should get a food chopper upper so you can give him all sorts of good stuff in the mesh feeder. :)

Tim and Jenn said...

Yeah Dual flush! I can't wait to get one of those. My favorite airport is whichever one I can get in and out of quickest. The less time I spend there the better. Hope you all are well. Give Orin a squeeze for me. :-)