Friday, November 21, 2008

Birth Control

For the record, we really like Relk and Kara.
They are good people.
We would never wish any type of unpleasantries upon them.
When we dropped Orin off for his first non-family babysitting stint,
we had high hopes.
He was asleep, we figured he would stay that way for a while.
Earlier that day, Casey had carefully packed
 all of Orin's favorite books and toys, 
his mesh feeder, a banana, his sippy cup, 
and an entire box of rice cereal.
"Just take him on a little walk if he fusses," we advised them,
before rushing out the door to make our dinner reservation.

As soon as we finished eating, we called Relk and Kara 
to see how it was going. Kara picked up the phone, sounding frazzled.
"Well, ummm... Orin really misses you guys. Yup.
He sure loves his mom and dad."

Uh oh.

Apparently, our docile little giggle machine had vanished as soon
as we had walked out the door and had been replaced by his 
impossible-to-comfort evil alter ego, Mr. Brussels. 

  Yup, he had cried pretty much 
non-stop the entire time, 
except when he was in his stroller, and then he only cried on and off.
When we got to their house, Relk,
who is normally cool as a cucumber,
looked as though he had just passed through an
industrial sized blender.

"It was definitely a learning experience," he said.
I think that we might have inadvertently guaranteed 
that they are never having children.

I really hope not.
Sorry again guys... We love you!
Now that Orin has been happily reunited with his parents,
he has made us a deal.
If we promise never to leave him with a babysitter again,
he will make us dinner.
Every night.


Tim and Jenn said...

Well, such is life. I guess we all need a reality check every once in a while. Not much to say except thanks for being such a faithful blogger. I wish I could say the same about myself. FYI my camera has decided to quit on me. So although I can catch up to more recent events there won't be any recent pics for quite a while. We do already have 2" of snow here in Canada. It seems to be sticking around too.
That's all for now.
Much love,

Anonymous said...

I haven't had a chance to look at the blog since Orin was a stew, as you know because I have been spending so much time with a very dear friend I just lost and it is nice to finally catch up. How great that Jack got to come visit it is always nice to see him, wish our plans could have worked out between he and Ed there would have been some good conversation on beer and wine. Relk and Kara are wounderful people and Orin is blessed to have them in his life as well as the rest of us. Anyway hope to be able to take a look more often now I love the story's. Love you all Mom/Nana