Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Road Trip Tidbits 101

It has recently been brought to my attention via a professional blogger (see www.thebarnstorming.com) that we have been leaving out a significant portion of the details that make our journey interesting.... mainly how we are managing to live in a van with 3 large dogs and a bird while I am growing more pregnant with each passing day. In order to remedy this problem I have decided to occasionally write blogs dedicated to the other (sometimes slightly more gory) details of our trip and van living. This is episode number one and I am calling it How To Locate A Decent Bathroom to Wash Your Hair In.

It begins with a question:

"Lindsay, you are living in a van.... how do you manage to shower"


I don't.  

But I do occasionally wash my hair in the sink in public bathrooms. And in case any of you ever find yourself in a similar situation, this is the instruction manual for how to do it right:

To prepare, pack the following items in a large pocket book or discrete bag:

1. a hand towel
2. shampoo
("What about conditioner" you ask..... Conditioner is a luxury, get your head on straight, this is going to be done in a gas station bathroom.... there is no room for luxuries)
3. a large floppy hat (this is to disguise your wet hair from the attendant after the washing)

To find a decent bathroom this is what you should be looking for:

1. a single stall bathroom with a lockable outside door (this is to avoid the rather awkward moment in a multiple stall bathroom when you have you head under the water and a stranger walks in... however, sometimes this happens... don't worry, maintain composure and say something friendly like "Hows it going.... I will be out of your way in a second!")
2. a large, clean sink with faucets that you can turn on and they stay on (not the push button kind)
3. a bathroom that in general is clean and doesn't smell like something just died

Please note, this is a picture of a very nice bathroom....its only fault is that it's a multiple stall, but a bathroom like this should never be passed up.

I should not have to include a picture of an insufficient bathroom.... you all know what that looks like.

And finally, step three... The Wash...

Well.... hurry up already, what are you waiting for! You get two minutes, other people are waiting.

And that concludes bathroom washing 101.

Other comments about our blog was that it was lacking in pictures of my belly and the inside of our van, so here are a few and there will be more to come. Love you all. 


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