Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy hearts day!

Casey and I have reverted back to the plush life here in Alabama. We are eating hot foods, sleeping in a bed, showering, and remaining active past sun-down. It is a nice (but entirely unnecessary) change from Van Living. We are staying in a little town on the bay called Fairhope. It has all of the elements that we find appealing about a place: good food, good hiking/birding, good weather, and a cute little hippie coffee shop where we can hang out and blog. 

The only sad thing that has happened since our arrival is that our digital camera fell into a puddle and emerged fixated on the idea of being an abstract artist. In fact, he is so eager to display his latest piece, that we were forced to replace him. I feel bad for not being supportive of the change, but it would have made the picture selections for the blog rather limited. I have included a picture (taken with our new camera) of his final work. 

He will be sorely missed.

But other than that, things are going well. I am still sick, but slowly recovering. Duke slaughtered Maryland. We enjoyed our first Valentines Day together. And the baby is growing by the minute. 

Well, that is all we have to report for today. 

Hope you are all doing great.

More love than usual from the South.


Anonymous said...

I love you both and wish you a Happy Valentines Day. I love to read your blog everyday it makes me smile. It also helps me not to worry, I see my Grandson is growing and doing well. I miss you both very much. Give Lindsay's dad hugs and tell him hope to see him soon. I will be there in May!!!!!!! MOM!!!

andy said...

Your belly is HUGE!!!!OMG. Is it really going to get bigger????
Fenel and I are hanging out tongiht becasue it is a 'creyol lesson' night, but I am stalling b/c i am tired. He laughed about you going baby shopping already:) I love the pictures and am SO glad you got a new camera. *hugs and kisses*- Sissy. p.s. you are a troll and haven't sent me your phone number. we need to talk about Miami!!!!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Glad to see you have both showered :) Lindsay you look so cute and I can't wait to be an aunt. Happy belated Valentines Day!!!! I love you both entirely too much and i miss you lots. Have a wonderful day!!!
Love, Katie

Anonymous said...

Nice photos guys, I'm glad to see there is always time for a nap Casey, and Lindsay, the belly is lookin' big and beautiful!...Hope you are soon feeling above the weather. Take care of eachother, Love Kristin

Anonymous said...

So I bought the new Jack Johnson CD and there is a song on it that is YOUR GUY'S song. I think its number 8 and its called, "What you thought you need" you guys have to hear i. Everytime i listen to it it makes me think of you! Okay well i love you guys! Bye bye :)
Love, Katie

Anonymous said...

Oh how beautiful you look Lindsay! Happy V day to the both of you! I spent the 15th of Feb in the ER passing kidney stones! Yuck and let me tell ya it hurts like nothing I could ever imagin. They say it's the closes thing to child birth and I was going to try to do it with out drugs but I have to say if I learned anything from the pain it's that I don't want to feel it again! But then again when it's real child birth their is a nice suprise at the end, my suprise was not cute or fun! Either way love you both and just wanted to let you know that Jessica my sis was in a bad car acident. See is ok but has a lot of pain, black and blue and some issues with her spine. But all is ok just hope no more salstroms are in the ER. LOVE YOU BOTH AND MISS YOU TONS. KISS KISS HUG HUG.